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PaintGuide Magazine

Volume I




Amy Sol / Kaili Smith

Nuno Viegas / Telmo Miel  / Mat Tomezsko / Chloe Early / 

Jake Wood-Evans /  Kristina Collantes / Spenser Little / Thinkspace Projects


We love curating exhibitions with our favourite artists from all over the world, PaintGuide is bringing you offline to another dimension into the creative arts with even more diversities in styles, mediums and perspectives.


We and the digital world have a complicated relationship, as much as we love social media, we also find the tool to be incredibly liberating yet informal. After the success of the PaintGuide book, we want to publish an online and printed art magazine for the public to enjoy. Because we believe these artists deserve to get their artworks shown in galleries and high-quality prints rather than only on our small dimmed phone screen. 


PG Magazine Vol.1 Lottery ( 200 Editions or 20 Limited Ed. by Amy Sol / Kaili Smith)

$ 25 USD ( Excl. Shipping )

PG Magazine Limited Ed. by Amy Sol | 20 Editions | $40 USD ( Excl. Shipping )

PG Magazine Limited Ed. by Kaili Smith | 20 Editions | $40 USD ( Excl. Shipping )


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